Trew Neighbor Award

Frank Trew
The Trew Neighbor Award is given in memory of Frank Trew, a lifelong resident of the Lincoya Hills neighborhood and a tireless advocate for his neighborhood. Frank generously contributed his time, talent and gifts to improve the quality of life for his neighbors and all Nashville residents. The Trew Neighbor Award is presented to an individual who exemplifies similar characteristics.
This award honors local residents who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, for a period of no less than five (5) years, with a commitment to building, improving, and/or maintaining the quality of life in their neighborhood.
2024 Award Guidelines
Eligible nominees must meet the following criteria:
Be a resident of Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County.
Demonstrated exceptional leadership in their local neighborhood for a period of no less than five (5) years.
Neighborhood leadership can take many forms. There is NO REQUIREMENT that the nominee be or have been an officer of a neighborhood organization.
Past nominees who did not receive the Trew Neighbor Award are eligible to be nominated again.
Nominations are accepted from the general public.
Signed and completed Nomination Form must be received no later than 11:59 pm on Thursday, February 29, 2024
You may nominate online (see below)
You may mail signed and completed form to: Neighbor 2 Neighbor, P.O. Box 100941, Nashville, TN 37224
You may hand-deliver signed and completed form to our offices: Neighbor 2 Neighbor, 2021 21st Avenue South, Suite 320, Nashville, TN 37212 (Our Offices CLOSE at 3 pm)
The Nomination Form includes an essay question (up to 3,600 characters). It is the single-most important part of the nomination and selection process. Assume that the selection committee does not know anything about your candidate. Make sure you articulate the impact your nominee has had on your neighborhood.
Multiple nominations for the same person do NOT increase the likelihood of the nominee being selected. What does impact the decision is a well-written essay that clearly articulates why the nominee deserves this award. The selection committee, comprised of our N2N Board Precinct Representatives, will generally only know the nominee based on the information you provide. N2N Staff do not select the winner.
Up to five (5) individuals will be selected as award finalists, and will be notified in advance of the awards luncheon on Saturday, March 23, 2024.
The recipient will be announced and honored during the awards luncheon.
Please direct any questions to the following:
Nominations accepted from Monday, January 1 - 11:59 pm on Thursday, February 29, 2024.
2023 Trew Neighbor Recipient
Jan Bushing

As far back as the 1970s, Jan was a key figure in the resurgence of Hillsboro-West End neighborhood. An original founder of the Hillsboro-West End Neighborhood Association in 1975, and its first president, Jan led efforts to encourage Vanderbilt University to invest in the neighborhood. At the time, her neighborhood was redlined by banks, who would only offer mortgages to potential homebuyers at wildly inflated rates. At the urging of Jan and other neighborhood leaders, Vanderbilt began offering lower interest rates to its employees as incentive to buy and renovate historic homes near campus.
One of Jan’s greatest contributions to our neighborhood has been her unwavering volunteer work on behalf of the magnificent sea serpent sculpture in Fannie Mae Dees Park, now affectionately known as “Dragon Park.” During its installation in 1980, she worked hand-in-hand with mosaicist Pedro Silva to design and build the iconic structure. Thirty-six years later, when it fell into disrepair and was threatened with being razed, Jan spearheaded the neighborhood association’s Save Our Dragon project and was instrumental in raising funds. And once again, she worked tirelessly to re-create and restore mosaic designs. Jan went to the park daily, sat on the ground next to the dragon, and worked at the direction of lead restoration craftsman Tony Novak. By night, she laid out designs of tiny tile pieces on her dining room table. Her donation of time, artistic skill, and enthusiasm contributed mightily to the successful restoration of this beloved neighborhood treasure.
Jan A. Bushing age 77, passed away on September 23, 2023.
2022 Trew Neighbor Recipient
Ingrid Campbell

Ingrid Campbell, a resident of East Nashville’s McFerrin Park, is the very active and consciously-involved president of McFerrin Park Neighborhood Association. Ingrid first joined her association as a member in 2014, and immediately volunteered to help with everything from establishing the association’s bylaws to assisting with the coordination of the annual Easter festivities. By 2020, Ingrid was present and was re-elected in 2022. She has been known for driving around the neighborhood surveying bus stops to see if there are safe shelters for people in inclement weather. Ingrid also works with the Nashville Tree Foundation and Root Nashville volunteers planting and replacing trees around the neighborhood. Finally, Ingrid helps neighborhood seniors and caregivers through Leave the Light On Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization she co-founded with her family in 2010.
Ellen Britton
2019 Trew Neighbor Recipient
Ellen Britton, a resident of South Nashville's Caldwell Abbay Hall Neighborhood is Recognized for Her Contribution in Making Her Neighborhood a Great Place to Live.
When you meet Ellen, it is impossible not to be lifted up by her warmth and sense of humor. Ellen sets a wonderful example of service by being the first to volunteer. She walks the walk and talks that talk.
Ellen is one of the first people to volunteer for anything in the neighborhood -- clean-ups, cooking for progressive dinners, opening her home for meetings, her driveway for "Drinks in the Driveway," and serenading us at holiday parties. She donates her time, talent, imagination, and money to help make Caldwell Abbay Hall a great place to live.
2018 Trew Neighbor Recipient
Ms. Sedora Johnson
Sedora Johnson, A 60 Year Resident of North Nashville’s Osage Neighborhood is Recognized for Demonstrated Leadership and Exemplary Community Engagement.
Over sixty years ago, Sedora Johnson and her family moved into her house in North Nashville’s Osage Neighborhood. Twenty-four years ago, Ms. Johnson joined the Osage Neighborhood Watch. She chaired the organization off and on for over seven years. During her many years with the neighborhood watch, she has led and organized multiple neighborhood cleanups and Night Out Against Crime events. She loves her neighborhood.
Her concern for the safety and welfare of her neighbors was evidenced in her professional life as well. She served the Nashville area for over thirty-five years as a nurse, retiring from Meharry Hospital and Metro General Hospital.
Sedora has been a member and leader of her neighborhood’s Friendship Missionary Baptist Church for over fifty years; a supporter and past board chair of her the 18th Avenue Enrichment Center; and, has been an active member and leader of the North Nashville Organization for Community Improvement (NNOCI) for over twenty years. She is a founding member of the North Nashville Leadership Council (NNLC). She has graciously given of her time, talents, and money to enrich the quality of life for her Osage neighbors and the larger community.
Sedora Johnson age 83, passed away on January 1, 2023.